After the charge, you can make the most affordable roaming calls from overseas to Korea.
Anytime and anywhere in the world, you can enjoy free calls, if you and your partner both have DosirakTalk app installed on the phone.
Run DosirakTalk,andget yourself authenticated.
As free calls are available only to members who have Talk Points, charge at least 1 point.
Once charging is completed, start a call to another member who has DosirakTalk installed on his or her phone.
1. Start up DosirakTalk charged with Talk Points.
2. Select a number from address book or enter a number and then,press Call button.
3. Search or select the country that you want to call.
(When country code has been entered, select country screen does not show)
4. Once country code is entered,press Call button to start your call.
DosirakTalk is a roaming call app which runs on a smartphone connected to the internet (cellular network or Wi-Fi). If your call doesn't work due to poor internet connection or network connection, change your Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again.
1. If a caller calls your 070 number, you can see the incoming call on your incoming call screen
(iPhone displays DosirakTalk Voice Call on screen)
2. When you receive a call, it immediately switches to DosirakTalk app and lets you proceed with your conversation
(iOS and Android may show differences in receiving calls)
1. Press Charge menu and select points to purchase, and then press Pay button.
2. Press Buy button in App Store, and for Android, distinguish a credit card issued in South Korea from one issued overseas as you proceed with payment.
3. When payment is complete, check your charged points on the dial.
1. Make sure that you and your partner have installed DosirakTalk on the phone.
(if it is not installed, download the app from App Store or Google Play)
2. Once both parties have installed the app, the calling party presses the called party's number and then press Call button.
(at least 1 point must be charged in order for the calling party to place a call)
3. Check if your smartphone screen shows DosirakTalk "Friend" free call mark.
4. If your partner hasn't installed DosirakTalk app and calls you,your Talk Points get reduced for it. And if your partner happens to be staying overseas, the person may incur international roaming charges.
If your partner hasn't installed DosirakTalk app and calls you,your Talk Points get reduced for it. And if your partner happens to be staying overseas, the person may incur international roaming charges.